It seems that today's political dialog has become contaminated with pure bullshit. Politicians as well as their blogging advocates no longer even try to hide their dishonesty. Words no longer have meaning. Constructive debate appears to have been overcome with shear delusional lies. Lies, after being debunked, are repeated as if reality wasn't even a factor. This blog is intended to address the nonsense that many of today's politicians and their blogging cohorts try to pass off as real. Comments are welcomed but must stay within the parameters of reality while maintaining an objective of dialog rather than diatribe.

Comments are welcomed and excepted, even if you disagree with the content. It's understood that political conversation, especially when challenged, is going to bring heated debate and there's nothing wrong with that. However, respect is required. Comments that contain childish slurs such as "Repukes", Demoncrats", "Odumbo", etc, will be promptly removed. If your rebuttal can stand on it's own merit, then there's no need for such bull crap